Sonotronics is now offering versions of its acoustic transmitters as modules that use external power sources. The CHP-MO-HP may be mounted on an instrument package or underwater vehicle, taking advantage of existing onboard power sources. The 2 wire version of the CHP-MO-HP will begin transmission of a coded sequence as soon as power is applied, and alternatively a 3 wire version is available that allows separate transmit control. Key specs:
16mm (dia) x 40mm (length)
External Supply: 2.8V-5.5VDC 75ma max, 2ma ave
Frequencies: 32-40kHz, 69-83 kHz, crystal controlled
Source level: up to 150db re 1uPascal @ 1m
32mm (dia) x 85mm (length)
External Supply: 4.5V-15VDC 500ma transmit
Frequecies: 32-40kHz crystal controlled
Source level: up to 165db re 1uPascal @ 1m
4 wire (1m water blocked, jacketed cable)
V+ = Red GND = BLACK
Control+ (C+) = Orange GND = Brown
Operation: with power applied to Red/Black,
C+ open = off, C+ to GND = transmit