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- Active Tracking | Sonotronics
ACTIVE TRACKING Transmitters CHP High Powered Transmitters High powered transmitters function identically to the coded transmitters, but have a very high power output. This allows tracking of pelagic species and tracking in large or open water areas. More… CT Standard Coded Transmitters Standard coded transmitters ping an aural code for easy audible detection by researchers. These transmitters for unique identification of thousands of animals by varying combination of frequencies, codes, and pulse interval (time between pings). More… CTT Temperature Telemetry Transmitters Temperature telemetry transmitters allow for the telemetry of temperature in the vicinity of tagged animal in addition to location and identification. More… DT Depth Telemetry Transmitters Depth transmitters allow for telemetry of animals depth to arrive in real time, as well as location and identification via similar coding to the coded transmitters. More… IBT Miniature Transmitters Miniature transmitters function identically to the coded transmitters, but are very small in size. This allows tracking of very small species. More… PT PicoTag Subminiature Transmitters These new very small transmitters allow for attachment to smaller animals than every before. More… Receivers MANTRAK – Manual Tracking Kit The MANTRAK kit was designed to bring together the most common tools our customers have found to be valuable for manual tracking. The kit has become the most frequent package used by first time researchers. More… UDR Underwater Diver Receiver The Underwater Diver Receiver that allows a diver to approach an object or animal marked with an ultrasonic pinger. The UDR can achieve ranges exceeding 1km, while still allowing relocation in zero visibility. More… USR-23 Ultrasonic Receiver The USR-23 is an active tracking receiver with new features to locate ultrasonic transmitters manufactured by SONOTRONICS, Vemco or Lotek Wireless. More… Hydrophones DH-4 Directional Hydrophone The DH-4 provides the greatest range and precision in locating transmitters from 30kHz to 100kHz. More… TH-2 Towed Omnidirectional Hydrophone The TH-2 provides a simple method for mobile active tracking: its small size and hydrodynamic shape allows for trolling at speeds up to 5 knots, while the long cable length minimizes the affect of engine and prop noise. More..