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  • Sonotronics | acoustic transmitters

    Founded in 1971, Sonotronics is THE Pioneer in Acoustic Telemetry for Animal tracking. Providing Ultrasonic Transmitters, Receivers and Hydrophones for Tracking Animals and Equipment underwater. Active Tracking Sonotronics, Inc is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art ultrasonic transmitters, receivers, and hydrophones for tracking animals and equipment underwater. Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and reliability, ensuring accurate and efficient animal tracking. More Info Passive Tracking Explore some of our featured projects where our acoustic telemetry solutions have played a pivotal role in advancing research and conservation efforts. From tracking marine mammals to monitoring underwater equipment, our technology has been instrumental in various scientific studies and environmental projects. More Info Equipment Tracking Acoustic equipment tracking is a crucial aspect of marine research and exploration. With our advanced technology and expertise, we provide reliable and accurate tracking solutions for your equipment. Trust us to help you achieve your underwater research goals. More Info *NEW* PT KIT ANNOUNCEMENTS What's New! MODULE ONLY GENERATORS (MO) Scholarship The Don L Brumbaugh Memorial Equipment Scholarship Join our mailing list Email* Subscribe I want to subscribe to your mailing list. ABOUT SONOTRONICS, INC Founded in 1971, Sonotronics is THE Pioneer in Acoustic Telemetry for Animal tracking. Providing Ultrasonic Transmitters, Receivers and Hydrophones for Tracking Animals and Equipment underwater. Sonotronics products are used around the world in every ocean, and in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Sonotronics is a lead manufacturer of acoustic transmitters and acoustic receivers. We strive to provide excellent service to our customers while working together to make a difference in the world we share. How Sonotronics and our Customers are Making a Difference in the World we Share…* Learn More

  • miniSUR | Sonotronics

    MINISURT Sonotronics proudly introduces this new addition to available fisheries research technologies. This small, inexpensive, long life unit allows for tracking of fish passage within its detection area. Strings, arrays, or individual receivers can be utilized depending on the resolution of detection desired in the study. One of the main principles behind the miniSURT is its ability to save valuable field time by simplifying deployments thus reducing project costs. The miniSURT brings new features and options to the marketplace aiding in the continued development of fisheries research technologies. Applications Include: 1. Site fidelity studies 2. Spawning area detection 3. Animal attachment for social experiments 4. Simple positioning in array configurations 5. Gates for Active tracking boundaries 6. Towable: for area surveys The miniSURT allows simple mooring by using tie-wraps to connect to small rope. Transmitters within the units detection area will be logged to the on board memory along with date and time. The miniSURT may be configured in the field to allow frequency scanning for ACT coded transmitters, or use with rcode transmitters. The miniSURT is designed to allow mounting to an animal as a small (16mm diameter) expendable unit, as a remotely powered, cabled RS232 system, or as a standalone submersible receiver powered by a single AA lithium battery. miniSURTsoft The miniSURT is compatible with Sonotronics integrated software for communications with logging receivers – SURtool, SURsoft, and SURsoftDPC. SURtool or SURsoft may be used to set time and date, download data, configure detection frequency and many other options. The data processing center can be used to process and examine the data obtained from miniSURT’s, saving valuable time in sorting data. Features include examining data by transmitter, processing telemetry data, and viewing a graphic display of activity at a passive receiver. Links: Datasheets miniSURT Software miniSURTsoft SURsoftDPC VIDEOS

  • Downloads | Sonotronics

    DOWNLOADS Sonotronics Software Downloads MBA Link This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. List Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.

  • Equipment Tracking | Sonotronics

    Underwater Acoustic Equipment Tracking EQUIPMENT TRACKING Equipment Marking Tracking Products “Recover Your Assets” Sonotronics is the leader in pinger development for a variety of oceanographic needs. Our pingers have been used to relocate current meters, ROV/AUV/UUV vehicles, deep ocean sites, divers, and many other subsea applications. This page provides an overview of our equipment marker pinger product line. Links to specific pages about products are found here. EMT-01 Series Low cost, long life, durable pingers. Lifetimes from months to 4 years. More… Products include: EMT-01-1: 48 month, 1km range, 2.5km depth rating EMT-01-2: 18 month, 3km range, 2.5km depth rating EMT-01-3: 6 month, 4km range, replaceable batteries EMT-AR Series Tilt reporting pingers. Monitor your deployment angle as equipment arrives on the ocean floor in real time. Pinger continues to ping for its lifetime allowing for monitoring and relocating of the equipment. More… Products include: EMT-AR: Angle reporting pingers TILT-Tracker: Complete kit for monitoring tilt angle UDR Underwater Diver Receiver This robust unit is used for locating Sonotronics pingers, even in low visibility environments. The UDR now has a visual signal strength indicator on the display. The UDR is also capable of receiving telemetry from Sonotronics transmitters. More… MANTRAK Kit This is the most common set used for locating and monitoring pingers from a surface vessel. It contains a receiver, hydrophone, test pinger, and all other accessories necessary to locate pingers. More…

  • TH-2 Hydrophone | Sonotronics

    MODEL TH-2 TOWED OMNIDIRECTIONAL HYDROPHONE The TH-2 provides a simple method for mobile active tracking: its small size and hydrodynamic shape allows for trolling at speeds up to 5 knots, while the long cable length minimizes the affect of engine and prop noise. Eyelets allow attachment of small weights or diving lures to ensure the hydrophone is kept at depth while trolling. This design, though simple, rivals more elaborate and expensive systems in actual field trials. Sensitivity: -100 dBV ref 1 uBar (-200 dBV ref 1 uPascal) Beam Width: Omni-directional +/- 2 dB. Output: BNC connector. Cable: 50’ RG316/U. Links: TH-2 Manual VIDEOS

  • Scholarship | Sonotronics

    THE DON L. BRUMBAUGH MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT SCHOLARSHIP The Sonotronics Equipment Scholarship, established in 2005, commemorates Donald L. Brumbaugh’s pioneering work in the development of fisheries and wildlife biotelemetry technologies. The scholarship is designed to aid students in fisheries research projects. Apply Here Scholarship Application Criteria Project must be related to fisheries and/or aquatic animal management. Applicant must be a undergraduate or graduate student in a fisheries related discipline. Scholarship award is a grant toward the purchase of Sonotronics’ equipment. Criteria for Scholarship Selection Clarity and relevance of project goals Clarity and relevance of proposed project methods GPA If you are interested in applying for the Sonotronics equipment scholarship please contact Sonotronics for an application, or download the PDF using the link below: Download Scholarship Application

  • Passive Tracking | Sonotronics

    Passive Underwater Acoustic Tracking PASSIVE TRACKING Transmitters CHP High Powered Transmitters High powered transmitters function identically to the coded transmitters, but have a very high power output. This allows tracking of pelagic species and tracking in large or open water areas. More… CT Standard Coded Transmitters Standard coded transmitters ping an aural code for easy audible detection by researchers. These transmitters for unique identification of thousands of animals by varying combination of frequencies, codes, and pulse interval (time between pings). More… CTT Temperature Telemetry Transmitters Temperature telemetry transmitters allow for the telemetry of temperature in the vicinity of tagged animal in addition to location and identification. More… DT Depth Telemetry Transmitters Depth transmitters allow for telemetry of animals depth to arrive in real time, as well as location and identification via similar coding to the coded transmitters. More… IBT Miniature Transmitters Miniature transmitters function identically to the coded transmitters, but are very small in size. This allows tracking of very small species. More… PT PicoTag Subminiature Transmitters These new very small transmitters allow for attachment to smaller animals than every before. More… Receivers miniSUR Submersible Ultrasonic Receiver This small, inexpensive, long life unit allows for detection of fish passage within its detection area. More… SUR Submersible Ultrasonic Receiver This rugged, inexpensive, long life unit allows for detection of fish passage within its detection area. More… Hydrophones DH-4 Directional Hydrophone The DH-4 provides the greatest range and precision in locating transmitters from 30kHz to 100kHz. More… TH-2 Towed Omnidirectional Hydrophone The TH-2 provides a simple method for mobile active tracking: its small size and hydrodynamic shape allows for trolling at speeds up to 5 knots, while the long cable length minimizes the affect of engine and prop noise. More…

  • MANTRAK | Sonotronics

    MANTRAK – MANUAL TRACKING KIT The MANTRAK kit was designed to bring together the most common tools our customers have found to be valuable for manual tracking. The kit has become the most frequent package used by first time researchers. The MANTRAK kit contains: USR-14 Receiver DH-4 Directional Hydrophone Waterproof Pelican Case External Speaker and Cable Professional-grade Headphones Extra Battery Pack Test Transmitter Auxiliary Power Cable Links: MANTRAK Datasheet USRsoft Software VIDEOS

  • EMT-AR | Sonotronics

    EMT-AR ACCELEROMETER BASED ACOUSTIC TRANSMITTER The Sonotronics EMT-AR “Accelerometer Transmitter” is designed to provide information pertaining to movement of any animal or target tagged with the transmitter. The EMT-AR contains an onboard 2 dimensional accelerometer. When movement (acceleration) is detected on either axis, the quantity and direction of the acceleration is processed and one of many different possible output algorithms are utilized. Links: EMT-AR Datasheet EMT-AR Manual VIDEOS

  • PT Kit | Sonotronics

    *NEW* PT-KIT (PASSIVE TRACKING) The PT-Kit (Passive Tracking) contains all the tools necessary to start a passive tracking project: a receiver and 10 long life transmitters housed in a convenient carrying case. The PT-kit includes: A miniSURT-Li receiver 10 CT-82-2 long life transmitters QR-code card for manual and PC based software Magnets for activating receiver and transmitters A hard case with protective foam Description of the tools: miniSURT Receiver The Li version of the miniSURT allows the use of common 18650 Li-ion batteries Scan multiple frequencies or focus on a single frequency as your project requires Scan multiple gain settings for detection range assessment Temperature logging and optional transponding Multiple detection protocols supported Compatible with SURsoftDPC for collaborating with multiple receiver arrays, or direct download to CSV Bluetooth Low Energy communication for configuration and data downloads CT-82-2 Transmitters Long life transmitter (>3yr with 20-40 sec burst) Open Protocol and multi-frequency ACT codes available Embedded LED confirms function without receiver Magnet sensor to switch transmitter on and off (magnets included) Long range detections Compatible with all Sonotronics receivers Links: Datasheets miniSURT Software miniSURTsoft SURsoftDPC VIDEOS

  • Espinas Mezcal Ad | Sonotronics

    Espinas Mezcal Ad Client: Espinas Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • Gallery | Sonotronics

    Sonotronics Image Gallery This is how Sonotronics and Our Customers Are Making a Difference in the World we Share… Sonotronics Image Gallery This is how Sonotronics and Our Customers Are Making a Difference in the World we Share… “Marlin, Thank you for your extraordinary effort in helping us overcome deployment and technological challenges we face in Grand Canyon. Our sonic telemetry project to determine the impact of the March 2008 High Flow Event on rainbow trout movement in Lees Ferry was a success because of your and your staff’s determination. We were able to deploy 90 transmitters in rainbow trout, the smallest of which was 157mm. We detected these tags before and after the flow with manual tracking and by using the submersible ultrasonic receivers. Interestingly, tagged trout did not displace downstream during the high flow. Thank you for your good humor and determination through this challenging project!” — Kara D Hilwig “Just wanted to drop an email to say thanks for all your help with our order! We’re really happy with the tags we received and have just begun our deployments. Thanks again! — Clemency” “… Furthermore I would like to inform you of an AWESOME recent finding. One of the 260cm female lemon sharks that was equipped with a Sonotronics 4 year transmitter was detected on our SUR array in Bimini for multiple days at the end of May this year. This shark was tagged in Bimini on May 19th 2007 and has not been detected since then. This shark was therefore at liberty for 2 years and the transmitter was still working on her return to Bimini – MASSIVE THANK YOU to you and all your team.” — Tristan Guttridge, PhD Student, University of Leeds, UK From another happy Sonotronics Customer – “Thank you for taking my call. I always appreciate how well I am treated by the team at Sonotronics and I look forward to doing more good work with you in the amazing years to come!” “Just received the USR-96 receiver … Looks to be working perfectly… just one more reason why your customer service is top-notch.” “We are honored. #customer service ALWAYS a pleasure”. – Dr. Yannis Papastamatiou, @Dr_Yannis The following information has been submitted by researchers who have used Sonotronics’ products in their studies. We wish to thank the researchers who have contributed, adding to the knowledge base available to Sonotronics’ customers. Columbia River Redband Trout Study – Redband trout tracking in Twin Lakes, Washington conducted by Mike Biggs. Lake Pend Oreille Predation Study – Focuses on pelagic predator population estimate in relation to kokanee densities. Rainbow and Lake Trout. Idaho Dept of Fish and Game, Tom Bassista, Melo Maiolie, Mark Duclos, Bill Ament, Bill Harryman. BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Acoustic telemetry to assess post-stocking dispersal and mortality of razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus A. P. KARAM, B. R. KESNER AND P. C. MARSH Native Fish Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University Poster and Abstract presented by David March Morlà at the 2ndINTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TAGGING AND TRACKING MARINE FISH WITH ELECTRONIC DEVICES held in San Sebastian in 2007 Letter and picture submitted by Dr. Sam Gruber “Hi Sonotronics” We now have 11- SUR’s and five transmitters ….Underwater receivers and other goodies! Thank you so much for taking care of all of this… We will send the equipment over to Bimini today with a National Geographic Society Team! We are very excited about the SUR’s and look forward to doing a LOT of interesting things. Thank you!!!” “doc” Sam Gruber First Trout below Hoover Dam and the last known Colorado pikeminnow (then known as squawfish) from Lake Mohave, submitted by Tom Burke, LCR-MSCP

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